Programs & Services

Treatment Focus
- - Methadone Maintenance
- - Tobacco/Alcohol and other Drugs
- -
Health Promotion:
- Stress Management
- Fitness/Diet/Nutrition
- Pregnant Females
- Parenting/Families

Primary Population
- - Residents of Northeast Ohio
- - City of Cleveland
- - Cuyahoga County
- - Pregnant Women
- - Persons with co-occurring disabilities or disorders
* Health Promotions services are available to Schools, Churches, Community Groups, Businesses, etc

Services Provided
- - Individual Counseling
- - Group Counseling
- - Urine Tox Screens
- - Crisis Intervention
- - Case Management
- - Medical/Somatic
- - Medication/Methadone
- - Diagnostic Assessment
- - HIV/TB/Hep counseling
- - Vocational Counseling
- - Speakers Bureau

Age Group
- - 18 years and above
Participant Goals:
- Abstinence
- Stable Housing
- Positive Support Relationships
- Employment
- No new Legal
- Adopts Healthy Lifestyle
- Modifies Addictive Behaviors
- Identify Harmful consequences
As a prevention strategy, Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs targets youth with a history of being at extreme risk. It also targets youth not involved with ATODs and those that need minimal intervention. Besides receiving court referrals, the program is a referral point for youth and families who need treatment. It involves families of CTC’s adult clients in drug-free alternative programming and social recreational options, benefiting Cleveland Treatment Center’s adults in ATOD treatment.
Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs at Cleveland Treatment Center is an aquatic education, prevention and intervention program sponsored by the Ohio Division of Wildlife and the Future Fishermen Foundation. Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs at Cleveland Treatment Center is also supported by grants received from The Harry K. and Emma R. Fox Charitable Foundations, the National Council of Jewish Women – Cleveland Section, the Paralyzed Veterans of America – Buckeye Chapter, The Ridge cliff Foundation, and the Alcohol and Drug Addiction Services Board of Cuyahoga County.
State & National Perspective
“Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs” is a nationally recognized program sponsored by the Future Fisherman Foundation and is designated to provide young people with a perspective alternative to drug and alcohol use and experimentation. The Ohio Division of Wildlife has adopted the program as a means of teaching fishing and aquatic resource education to the state’s youth. Youth leaders who wish to learn more about the program can contact the Division of Wildlife for details on getting kids “Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs.”

Prevention Focus
- - Violence/Crime
- - Tobacco/Alcohol & other Drugs
- - Health Promotion
- - Parenting
- - Aquatic Education
- - Environmental Careers

Primary Population
- - City of Cleveland Youth
- - Documented History of Risk Behavior, Family, School, or Cour
- - Other: CTC’s Adult Clients or Children of Substance Abusers

Services Provided
- - Awareness
- - Education
- - Peer Group
- - Mentoring
- - Life Skills/Coping Skills
- - Community Service
- - Social Recreational Activities
Let It Ride • Game Ready 4 Life
As a prevention strategy, Let It Ride • Game Ready 4 Life attempts to mitigate the effects poverty on the quality of life experiences and well- being of youth with social economic histories of being at risk. It is a work-based learning and occupational skills program, designed as an alternative program with social recreational options, fellowship benefiting both individuals and the groups as a peer support club. Youth are involved in the following occupational work experience areas: outdoor skills such as recreation, park management, conservation, graphic design, video production, theater, creative and business writing. It attempts to bridge the employment gaps between economically- challenged families and their counterparties. Let It Ride involves youth in basic skills, enhancement, work readiness skills, occupational skills, life skills and other competencies needed to be productive not only as an individual, but within one’s family and the community at large.
This program does not offer credentialing to its participants, however all youth receive a certificate of completion.
After completion participant are proficient in the basic skills associated with:
- Video - Pre & Post production to include lighting and editing techniques
- Theater- Script development, stage management, set design, stage management, acting techniques
- Graphic Design – Layout, Illustration Techniques composition, and Graphics
- Creative Writing – Editing, Technical writing, fundamentals of English grammar and Mechanical editing
The program is in association with Cleveland Treatment Center’s Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs Program. Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs at the Cleveland Treatment Center is a primary prevention and early intervention program. It targets youth as an early intervention strategy involved with ATODs, violence, trafficking, and those that need minimal intervention. Let It Ride • Game Ready 4 Life serves as a viable “Rites to Passage” strategy that engage those Hooked On Fishing, Not On Drugs and other youth that have demonstrated growth and a willingness to work and learn. It is also possible by the City of Cleveland, Department of Economic Development and Cuyahoga County, Department of Workforce Development.

Prevention Focus
- - Violence/Crime
- - Tobacco/Alcohol & other Drugs
- - Stress Management
- - Fitness/Diet/Nutritiong
- - Teen Pregnancy
- - Parenting
- - Negative Risk Behaviors

Primary Population
- - City of Cleveland Youth
- - Documented History of Need – Poverty
- - Children of Substance Abusers, Cleveland Treatment Center Clients

Services Provided
- - Peer Group
- - Education
- - Leadership
- - Social Recreational Activities
- - Occupational Skills/ training
- - Tutoring/ Basic Skills
- - Mentoring
- - Work Readiness Enhancement

Age Group
- - 14 Years of Age Through 18 Years of Age
- Participant Goals:
- Improved employability skills
- Improved Basic Math skills
- Improved Basic Reading Skills
- Improved Developmental Skills